Yours Truly...
2 Comments Published by Robyn on Monday, December 04, 2006 at 12/04/2006 04:17:00 PM.

I'd like to thank everyone for being so understanding and taking the time to write such sweet messages.

Princess will be cremated today. I am going to place her urn in my room. She really was a special cat and she deserves a special memorial. She was an angel in disguise. When my parents divorced she let me hug her tell my tears passed. She helped my grandfather get through his pain in his last days and then helped my grandmother heal. I believe Princess stayed around just to keep us strong. That was always her goal in life. She loved to talk (meow meow). Sometimes, we felt like she was almost human.
The doctors couldn't believe she only got sick 4 days before we took her. She had ADVANCED kidney disease. My other cat is doing better. We took him home from the vet yesterday. He is being very sucky and wants lots of attention.
Thank you,
Labels: yours truly
My heavens, I'm not trying to be flippant here... I certainly am sensitive when it comes to pets and their role in our family's, but, ya think anyone has ever gotten a deceased pet stuffed? Y'know, like at a taxidermist or whatever?
They do it for deer and salmon and stuff right? Why not Whiskers or Fido?
Otis Rail
Awwwwwwwww :( Sorry about your kitty.