Would Kim Mathers Shut the Hell Up!
0 Comments Published by Robyn on Saturday, March 24, 2007 at 3/24/2007 01:20:00 PM.

The motion seeks to prohibit Kim Mathers from making "derogatory, disparaging, inflammatory and otherwise negative comments" about him in public, because, the motion claims, her comments would harm Hailie.
"Complicating the situation for the child is the fact that her father is an internationally known public figure," the motion reads. "It is simply impossible for her to be shielded from the kind of media campaign currently being waged by (Kim) against (Eminem) …
"For girls in the 11 to 14 age range, personal embarrassment is one of their most powerful and painful emotions," the motion said. "If by some chance the child missed a particularly pungent insult about her father by her mother, it is all but certain that her friends and her friends parents are aware of it and that it will be shared with her.
"This Court must enter an order to protect the child from further harm by requiring that (Kim) desist from any further behavior likely to expose the minor child to humiliation and hostility," the court document said.
In February, Kim Mathers fired back in an interview with WKQI-FM's (95.5) "Mojo in the Morning" show. She said the interview was her chance to speak up in defense of the many negative things her ex-husband has said about her in his records.
"I can't stand him," she said. "He's an absolutely horrible person, and he gets worse every day. I vomit in my mouth whenever I'm around him or I hear his name. There's nothing left in me for him. Nothing at all."
In the interview, she also said sex with her twice ex-husband was "bad," and added "he's not very well-endowed." She also said: "If you're going to have sex with Marshall, make sure you have a little blue pill, because otherwise it does not work."
Kim Mathers also said in the interview, "Since he left the house in February (2006), I don't know what he's doing. His visits are few and far between, and when he does come around it's nothing positive."
She also said Eminem was "always yelling and complaining about something," when he was around the children, and said their daughter regularly asks, "Why's Dad acting so weird?"
Labels: Eminem, Kim Mathers
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