Lindsay Lohan Caught Snorting Coke on Video!
3 Comments Published by Robyn on Sunday, May 06, 2007 at 5/06/2007 03:33:00 AM.

The video shows her arriving at 11pm and skulking round the toilets before creeping inside a cubicle. Wedged inside the loo with two friends, Lohan pulls a small bag of white powder from her jeans pocket. She dips her finger in and shoves the substance up one friend's nose before snorting some up her own. This was filmed just 20 days after she proudly emerged from therapy.
It is claimed Lindsay has snorted 20 lines in one night alone. Her friend said: "That night I saw her do more than 20 big lines of cocaine. She was still up doing drugs at 11am even though she had started about 8pm the night before.
"In an average night Lindsay will do two and half grams of coke on her own. She doesn't buy it—she is given it by friends and acquaintances, and it turns her into an angry monster. I have watched many a time Lindsay treating her staff like cr*p."
Lindsay also likes the attention on her when she is high. The claims she tries to be the center of attention by stripping down, "When she is on coke, which is most of the time, all the attention has to be on her. I have lost count of the number of times I have watched as she stripped naked in front of everyone. Then she loves to check herself out in the mirror as she parades around with her boobs hanging out. One night we had gone back to her place and, as always, as soon as she walked through the door she stripped down to her thong, bent down and snorted cocaine off her coffee table and then off her toilet seat."
Lindsay often brags of wild sex sessions with a host of celebrities including singer James Blunt and model Calum Best. The insider revealed that Lindsay bragged, "I'm going to New York tomorrow to f*** Jude Law." the night she was caught snorting caught on tape.
"She has told me that she has slept with James Blunt, Jude Law, Calum Best, Joaquin Phoenix, Benicio Del Toro, Jared Leto and James Franco," admitted the friend. "She loves Brits and has told me she has slept with the singer James Blunt a few times over the past month. The last time was on April 15 after another house party. I think they went back to a hotel together afterwards. She is very protective over him and when she heard I had met him she sent me a text saying, ‘Stay away from him Bitch, he is mine.'"
The source also added: "Lindsay does not care who sees her do coke and where she does it. She wasn't even trying to hide it and was blatantly doing it off table tops, keys, books and in the wardrobe, where she was hunched over with her legs crossed almost bent in half doing it off some magazine on the floor."
The source claims she is a concerned friend and she claims, "That's why I'm showing this video, So the world can know what Lindsay has been doing and she can't lie about it to herself or anyone else."
Labels: Lindsay Lohan
They are definitely NOT posing..people will believe what they want, even when it is right in front of their faces....
She is FOR SURE snorting cocaine in these pictures, and people need to quit defending her terrible behavior and either help her or give her tough love- she is going down...
All of them are on drugs... just look at what Anna-nicole Smith was doing.... Robin Williams used to be a huge cokehead too..then he cleaned up... then he got back into it... I heard now he is clean again...
wow this is crazy.....Is everyone in Hollywood on drugs.....Its sad that she chose to ruin her life with drugs that can kill her...I guess when you start out young in the life of Famous you have people throwing things at you and offering things just so they can see you get hooked...but when the game is over they turn on you...But she should have known better then to chose that...I think her mom is a coke head 2...She looks like one....Damn girl get some help....u coke head bubble neck stinky girl....