Michael Lohan Wants Lindsay Lohan and Her Mother in Rehab
0 Comments Published by Robyn on Monday, May 28, 2007 at 5/28/2007 11:50:00 AM.

"The writing was on the wall years ago, and when Lindsay was in [the Los Angeles treatment clinic] Wonderland . . . give me a break. What kind of rehab facility lets people leave the grounds? They wanted the name Lindsay Lohan to stay there, they didn't want to help her. She needs a faith-based program."
Police said they found what was believed to be cocaine in her car. "I can't speculate whose the drugs or whatever they were, but if Lindsay is charged, I think all the kids [in the car] should be charged," Michael Lohan said.
Michael Lohan charged that her mother, Dina, is ignoring the situation, staying in upstate Saratoga to watch their son Cody's soccer games and "running around with her new boyfriend, Jim."
Michael Lohan said his daughter was released Saturday from Century City Doctors Hospital - where she had registered under a fake name - a few hours after police interviewed her there. She was given a citation and a court date of Aug. 24.
"She's home, but her assistant will not let me speak with her," the dad said.
Michael Lohan griped that "too many people" are involved in his daughter's life for "the wrong reasons." "The people out there with her are in it for the money. They want to see what they can get. This assistant of hers has known her seven months, I know her 20 years, she's my daughter, and I love her. She knows how much she means to me," Michael Lohan said.
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