Published by Robyn
on Tuesday, July 03, 2007 at 7/03/2007 02:07:00 PM.
She's been avoiding questions and rumors for weeks, but recently Nicole Richie started to confess to friends that she really is pregnant. "Nicole didn't want to tell anyone until she was past three months," a pal explains. "She really kept the news from everyone."And a baby isn't the only happy news. Nicole, 25, "is getting married this summer" to her boyfriend, Joel Madden, says an insider. Joel, 28, who fronts the band Good Charlotte, seems excited about starting a new life with Nicole, too. "He kept talking about his fiancée," Guttermouth guitarist Donald Horne, whose band played with Joel's in Quebec on June 29, tells In Touch. Joel also spoke about leaving LA, adds Donald. "He was talking about looking to settle down someplace nice and start a family," he says.
I hope that she is happy and they have a beautiful baby. I really did think she and DJ AM made a cute couple but she and Joel aren't too bad either.