Angelina Jolie Inspires Anne Hathaway

Anne Hathaway has credited Angelina Jolie with transforming her life and Hollywood career. The star insists she was insecure before meeting Jolie, but soon changed her outlook on life after Jolie urged her to "stop being silly."

She says, "I just love Angie's fearlessness, her provocativeness. Before I met her, I was in this mindset where everybody hated me, and I hated me, and everything was too much. She made me see how silly I was, how I couldn't just sit on my ass."

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1 Responses to “Angelina Jolie Inspires Anne Hathaway”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous


    I have noticed of late that you are making comments about Britney Spears and few other persons of Celeb. If you plann on keeping your lady like persona I would shut your trap. It's rude and unecessary. Cause if you want we can start emotionaly abuse you in the tabs if you want. If you don't shut up.  

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