Angelina Jolie Talks Opens Up About Marriage and Children
0 Comments Published by Robyn on Thursday, May 10, 2007 at 5/10/2007 05:18:00 PM.

"Before I met Brad, I always said I was happy never to have a child biologically. He told me he hadn't given up that thought. Then, a few months after Z came home, I saw Brad with her and Mad, and I realized how much he loved him, that a biological child would not in any way be a threat. So I said, 'I want to try.' "
Here's More from the Interview:
On how she went from single mom of one to part of a family of six in just three years: "I met this amazing person, and we realized we had very similar views on how we wanted to live our lives. It's happened quickly, with so many children. Yesterday, picking up the kids from school, Brad turned around in the car, and there were three of them. He couldn't stop laughing."
On deciding to adopt a toddler from Vietman: "As kids get older, it's harder for them to be adopted. ... Something changed for me with Shiloh. We had Mad and Z, and neither looked like Mommy or Daddy. Then suddenly somebody in the house looked like Mommy and Daddy. It became clear to us that it might be important to have somebody around who is similar to the other children so they have a connection. Mad's very excited that his brother is from Asia."
On her wanting more children: "Yeah, yeah. More biological, more adopted."
On finding quality time with Pitt: "Right now, that's our problem! We hang out. We try to talk over the swing set. We'll have a date night once everybody is settled. ... Especially now with Pax, he still gets scared if I'm gone more than a few hours. But we'll get them occupied with a movie and popcorn and try to run off and lock the door for a bit."
On what Pitt finds sexy about her: "I could be dressed up in the sexiest outfit for a photo shoot, and by his behavior, he'll let me know that's nice, but it's nothing as sexy as when I'm home surrounded by the kids or reading books, educating myself."
Labels: Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt
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