Britney Spears Back to Vomiting
0 Comments Published by Robyn on Wednesday, May 30, 2007 at 5/30/2007 11:07:00 AM.

The singer disappeared to the bathroom just an hour after arriving at the Mondrian Hotel’s swanky Sky Bar with five friends. And it wasn’t long before hotel security got a call saying she needed urgent help. A source said: “Britney was found slumped over the toilet bowl with make-up smeared over her face and her wig hanging off.
“She had a room booked at the hotel but was too ill to stay and was begging her bodyguard to take her home.
“She looked a real mess and was sitting on the floor with her head over the bowl throwing up.
“There was vomit down the front of her black dress and around her mouth.
“Britney was on her knees and must have been sick four or five times. She didn’t really seem with it, but I don’t know if she was drunk or not.”
The mother-of-two then had to be helped out of the hotel because she couldn’t stand up by herself.
The source added: “It was really sad. Everyone thinks she’s getting back on track after her comeback shows but that’s clearly not the case. I think she needs proper help.”
Labels: Britney Spears
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